Husband Meets Boyfriend – With Eyes Wide Closed
Thursday, 19 September 2024
by Eric Gichuru
“You will not believe who has just walked past me like a minute ago!” Mikaya breathlessly says. “Justin Bieber,” Amira responds, not taking Mikaya seriously – she knows she can get over-the-top dramatic for no apparent reason. “Mscheeew! Your husband and your boyfriend!” Mikaya whispers over the phone. “Who?” Amira asks, not sure what Mikaya
30 Agonising Parenting Phrases We Swore To Never Use
Sunday, 10 May 2020
by Eric Gichuru
“Vunja zote” (break them all) She says in a sarcastic tone when you break something. For those who are new to this parentesse, it actually means “If you break one more piece, you and the broken glass are destined for the same fate.” African parents can be a piece of work. Some wear that attitude
- Published in LIFESTYLE, LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships
Wanted Revenge, But This is How Karma Dealt With my Crazy Ex
Wednesday, 22 April 2020
by Eric Gichuru
Disclaimer: In exact words, he said this to me, “please write this story about my ex, but don’t mention my name coz, if she finds out I wrote about her, she could arrange to have me killed or seriously harmed!” I went through a cocktail of emotions when she reached out to me about meeting
- Published in LIFESTYLE, LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships
A Date From Hell
Friday, 28 February 2020
by Eric Gichuru
“Damn, I should have ordered this fillet instead!!” She mumbles as she stuffs the 7th, 8th…too many mouthfuls from his plate. “Go ahead, dear,” He says as he clears his throat to mask his discomfort. “These tacos are so pricey, yet so far from delicious.” She whines. He nods his head mechanically, clueless what to
- Published in LIFE HACKS, LIFESTYLE, LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships
How I Survived The Devastating Hostage Ordeal
Wednesday, 15 January 2020
by Eric Gichuru
The rustling at the door suddenly rouses me up from my sleep. I prick my ears listening to the slightest sound. It must be the dead of the night I tell myself since I can’t figure anything in the pitch-black darkness. Moments later, the door flies open. Instinctively, I lie still clenching my fists, with
- Published in LIFESTYLE, LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships
Is This The End Of Men? How To Be A Man Enough!
Wednesday, 06 November 2019
by Eric Gichuru
“Hello, I think my periods are late,” she says after they have been on the line for a couple of minutes. “They will come don’t worry,” Nelson responds. “I mean I have missed my periods; this is the second month.” “Ohh really?” He responds in a somewhat pitched tone. “Yes really! Do you know what that
- Published in LIFE HACKS, LIFESTYLE, LISTINGS, Parenting, Sex & Relationships
3 Mistakes Parents Make When Having The Sex Talk With Their Kids
Wednesday, 11 September 2019
by Eric Gichuru
There is nothing more nerve-wracking for parents than having that sex talk with their kids. Most parents are caught off guard when their gorgeous munchkins suddenly start bombarding them with rather embarrassing questions all about sex. Must Read!: How To Have The Awkward Talk About Sex With Your Kids! Related: Are We Babying Our Kids
- Published in LIFESTYLE, LISTINGS, Parenting, Sex & Relationships
How To Have The Awkward Talk About Sex With Your Kids!
Saturday, 10 August 2019
by Eric Gichuru
“Daddy, what is having sex?” Your 6-year-old daughter, seated right across the dining table unblinkingly shoots the question. Ooh no, not again! You dread talking about sex with your kids. Jumping off a plane would be less nerve-wracking. You almost spit out the hot coffee you have just gulped in panic. So you are forced
- Published in LIFESTYLE, LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships
Getting Rich Was His Curse: It Ruined His Marriage!
Tuesday, 11 June 2019
by Eric Gichuru
Does money change you or it just reveals who you really are? The article, ‘Money Ruined my relationship’ might be an eye-opener into how money in a marriage can become the deathbed of a relationship. Money in relationships is usually a blessing but can as well be a curse in equal measure. Nick is seated
- Published in LIFE HACKS, LIFESTYLE, LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships
Sad But True, Money Ruined My Relationship
Wednesday, 29 May 2019
by Eric Gichuru
Can money buy you happiness? On second thought, forget that. Here’s the million-dollar question; does money change you or it just reveals who you really are? “Money may be the root cause of all evil, but neither does being broke make you holy.” You might have come across this rather interesting quote that often sanctifies
- Published in LIFE HACKS, LIFESTYLE, LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships