Does money change you or it just reveals who you really are?
The article, ‘Money Ruined my relationship’ might be an eye-opener into how money in a marriage can become the deathbed of a relationship. Money in relationships is usually a blessing but can as well be a curse in equal measure.
Nick is seated on a high bar stool by the counter motionless with his head is bowed. His zombie-like pose is often punctuated by his hand movement as he gulps another mouthful of his beer.
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His head feels heavy and he can’t seem to shake off that ringing sound in his ears.
“Sir you have to go home now, we are closing,” the waitress says.
“What kind of bar is this that chases away its patrons,” Nick responds in a hoarse drunk voice!
“Or you want me to come and spend a night with you beautiful?” Nick says with a cheeky smile.
The waitress doesn’t even bother to respond.
He hisses some inaudible curse as she walks away!
Having been seated at the pub’s steps for 2 hours, his two buddies finally show up to pick him up.
“Jesus Christ Nick, what reeks? You smell like you’ve got a rat rotting in your mouth” Says Tod. “Didn’t you go home last night when we left you buying everyone drinks just to get the attention on that barmaid?”
“Your woman has been on our neck demanding us to find you!”
“Gentlemen,” Nick interjects in his drunken stupor. “Forget women, love the bottle, it will always love you back.”
“How many have you had?” Todd asks as he and his friend literally drag him to the car. “19 or 20 maybe, who cares it could be more than 2 dozen, I lost count.” Nick stutters on.
Trust me, this is one of the many similar incidences that have happened in the past. You can as well bet a fortune that this will not be the last.
When Nick went to college, he knew he was lucky. This is because none of his other members of his family has ever set foot in one.
He needed to graduate top of his class so that he could land a good job since he didn’t have any connections. He wasn’t a charmer nor was he a looker and neither was he loaded cash wise! So you can guess that girls weren’t much fond of him.
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It’s not that he didn’t try. Some were just cold b*&%#s who could tell him off before he got started. Others just led him on so that he could buy them lunches, dinners, stuff…with his college loans only to leave him high and dry after.
He recalls like yesterday when his date turned up with her friend in tow. “Hope you don’t mind my friend tagging along, I don’t like meeting strangers alone.”
“Sure,” he said. That is one word that almost buried him alive.
All he did throughout the date was to sip on his bilge water tasting drink as he tried to manage mini heart attacks that pounded him every time the girls ordered something they could barely pronounce off the menu…
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However, when he met Eve, she was different. She was cool, calm, composed, and beautiful in her own way. She was literally a chip from his old block. He married her a year after clearing College.
Life then was tough because they both had very little income. However, they were a team. They weathered every storm that came their way.
Their daughter was barely 4 months when Nick lost his job. For one year or so, he was financially crippled. Though he managed to scrap the little he could, Eve swooped in to feed and pay bills for the family.
Nick friends usually told him that he was lucky to have such a woman who would feed him without complaining.
Eventually, he got another job and 7 years into his career, the tides started to turn to his favour. Windfalls upon windfalls kept knocking on their door.
The Tide Turns: Money in a Marriage
So one day as he was out an about in town, he met one of the girls. I’m talking about the one who was ordering items off the menu she couldn’t pronounce and later rejected him.
She literally threw herself at him. He was shocked by stupendous levels she’d go to please him now that he was rich!
She was not the only one though. He was flattered that such gorgeous goddesses would look his way. It was about time they got to know who’s the ‘daddy’.
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Since he was making enough to run a local government, he convinced his wife to quit her job to become a homemaker now that they were about to have their second child.
He was barely at home since he had so many commitments to attend to. His job, his businesses, weekend outings with new found friends, girlfriends, events…
He no longer tagged Eve along to these events. She would inconvenience him from having fun with his trophy girlfriends.
Eve who had helped him persevere cold and hungry nights had now suddenly become boring, and unattractive. He claimed she would embarrass him, especially to his new found buddies.
His benchmark was his trophy girlfriends who were barely past their teens. How could he expect her to measure up against such bearing in mind she had given him two children, and the fact that he was spending money on everyone else apart from her?
Moreover, since she quit her job to become a stay at home mom, her life has been on a free fall. Eve discovered a little too late that money in a marriage is not always a rosy affair.
Nick was only been giving her handouts. She and the kids were almost starving at home while he was out there spending money on everyone else.
When she started asking for more, he accused her of being after his money just like everyone else. He claims that everyone has changed since he got rich. “Everyone now wants or needs something from me.”
This is the reason why he changed friends; and maybe the fact that his old pals were not happy about his philandering ways.
She tried several times to leave but without financial security, her effort culminated to futility. She finally decided to call it quits when she contracted a strange STI for the 3rd time.
To punish her, he manipulated his way through the justice system to avoid paying child support. For several years, his children lived like paupers, while he became the ‘daddy’ of other men’s daughters.
There was a huge problem though. He later discovered that these trophy girlfriends were not his Eve. They did not share his dreams, they did not understand him, he wasn’t sure even any of them ever loved him.
It hit him that that the woman who will ever love him the most is the one that has had his back through his struggles.
He tried to get her back, but it was a little too late…
Eve toiled for years to raise her children since their father rejected them out of spite. Somehow, she managed to do it quite well.
Recently she got wind of the news that Nick has settled down with a mother of three. Rumor has it that she’s a barmaid of a bar he frequents.
Who rejects his own two children to become a stepfather of 3? Maybe he is bewitched. Maybe he has hit the peak of his midlife crisis! Maybe he’s trying to chase the elusive love he lost in the wrong places?
All he does with his new clique of friends is to hang out in bars ogling over girls now his daughter’s age. You can call them quality friends though. They usually offer to drop him at his doorstep when he’s too wasted. Just as they are doing right this moment.
It is easy for money to go into your head when you have some to throw around. However, with a lot or with little, let it just be a means to an end. Don’t let money in a marriage be the end of your relationship.