To some he was a voracious terrorist, while to others he was a brave warrior. However, when he saved the city from the foreign invaders, no-one cared less about his past war mongering deeds!
Praises from the city residents came in spades. They felt heavily indebted to him because they attributed their liberty 100% to him. They yearned deeply to reward him for this but hardly could they find a reward worth the deed.
Not even money or honour could suffice. Some of the city leaders suggested that he should be crowned the Lord of the City. But neither this came close to the recompense he deserved.
Due to the weight of this matter, it found its way to the City Assembly. A heated debate ensued for days on end with the wise legislators not settling this matter.
Finally, one of the legislators stood up and called the assembly to order so that he could air his opinion. He calmly said, “We should kill him and then worship him as a god; I can’t think of any other honour bigger than this!”
And so they did!
Gratitude Has a Dark Side Too