The Ultimate Secret To Writing A Winning Professional Resume
Tuesday, 02 October 2018
So you’ve come across a job description that piques your interest. Where do you start? If you are like the majority of job seekers, you quickly look up the qualifications to establish whether you make the cut. Then you go ahead to send a prewritten professional resume and cover letter right? If this is your
7 Worrying Signs She’s A Crazy Bitch Who’ll Ruin Your Life
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
If you have a chat with gentlemen who are looking for a serious relationship, you’ll be shocked about what they will confess. The breed of women they have been meeting lately is absolutely rotten. The word most prefer is a crazy bitch that chews you up spits you out and blames you for being bland
- Published in LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships
Things No One Tells You About Your Wedding Day
Monday, 10 September 2018
You’ve selected your dress, finalized the programs, planned out the decor, and even settled on the wedding cake flavor. You probably think that you have everything figured out and that the wedding day will go exactly as planned. No matter how many times you’ve been part of the bridal party, or how many weddings you
- Published in LIFESTYLE, LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships
This Is Embarrassing, What Transmission Do I Have?
Monday, 20 August 2018
Gone are days when learning how to work the clutch and shift gears was a rite of passage. It was often a grueling process filled with numerous hiccups. One of the most frequently asked questions by drivers is what transmission do I have. This is because cars now come with various types of transmissions with
- Published in LISTINGS, TECH, Technology, Technology