How To Connect Different Ideas in Writing
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Despite having the most convincing and brilliant ideas in the world, no one is likely to pay attention if those ideas are not properly structured and connected. Your readers need to transition smoothly from one thought to another, else they will definitely find something else to read or do. The question that comes to your
- Published in LISTINGS, White Papers, Writing
10 Healthy Eating Tips For Weight Loss
Sunday, 04 December 2016
For you to effectively lose weight, you have to take control of what goes into your mouth. Here are 10 healthy eating tips for weight loss. 1. A healthy diet for weight loss should include a wide variety of foods. The secret is to keep your meals balanced. A balanced meal is automatically healthy and
How to Connect Securely to an Unknown Network
Thursday, 27 October 2016
More often than not, we find ourselves in desperate need to access some internet and we can’t resist using some public or unknown unsecured network. Is it safe to use the unsecured network? The answer to this question is that, it is not completely safe to use these unsecured networks, however by taking the necessary
- Published in HOW TO, LIFESTYLE, LISTINGS, Mobile, Networking, TECH, Technology
3 Must Visit Art Galleries
Thursday, 27 October 2016
The art gallery industry is very diverse. In essence, the term gallery conjures up a wide range of ideas to various people. For instance, to some it merely involves paintings while to some it covers rugs, jewelry, and architecture among others. As media and artwork continues to expand in the creative nature of the artist,