The woman on top: Toxic Feminism and Boy Child Neglect
Saturday, 13 April 2019
by Eric Gichuru
Ever since the women attended the Beijing Conference in 1995 the world has never been the same again. Feminism has taken root across the globe and so is the boy child neglect. Gone are days when the only women you could find in a bar were prostitutes and barmaids. Now ladies hit the bottle harder
- Published in LIFE HACKS, LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships
Why I Regret Marrying A Church Guy! (Part 2)
Friday, 29 March 2019
by Eric Gichuru
Everything was happening fast. It was just the other day she was tossing in the bed at night wondering why Mr. Right was taking his sweet time to find her. Occasionally, she touched herself to calm her tickled nerves or just to lull herself to sleep. Important Note: This is PART 2 of the article
- Published in LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships
Why I Regret Marrying A Church Guy! (Part 1)
Thursday, 21 March 2019
by Eric Gichuru
Disclaimer! This is not an endorsement for divorce or a rally-cry to avoid marrying a believer. You can call it a wakeup call or some dating tips from a woman who married the wrong person. Miriam was late again. ‘Damn, if only I had my own car’ she cursed silently. Her 6-inch heels were literary
- Published in LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships
Why I Regret Having Sex Too Soon After Baby
Wednesday, 06 February 2019
by Eric Gichuru
I had quite a smooth pregnancy with minimal complications. It is only during the third trimester I struggled with the lingering feeling of exhaustion. Sex during pregnancy was phenomenal, until the point where it got awkward. I hoped to bounce back to having sex after baby as soon as possible. Too Eager to get Over
- Published in LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships
Sad! Men Abused by Their Cruel Wives Suffer in Silence
Tuesday, 08 January 2019
by Eric Gichuru
If men were to share what they go through in relationships as women do, the world would run its tears banks dry. It is not a natural instinct for men to cry for help. Their inflated ego, or the need to be “macho,” does not allow them to consider themselves victims of physical or emotional abuse
- Published in LIFE HACKS, LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships
7 tips On How To Save Your Marriage From Divorce
Thursday, 06 December 2018
by Eric Gichuru
Sex now feels like a chore; you’d rather do the dishes instead. Lately, you have an eye for cute girls and/or handsome guys. You are flirting with a number of them. Worse still, you are fighting the tingle of guilt for having cheated with one, two, three…what difference does it make anyway? Read: Husband Walks in
- Published in LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships
Why I Sell My Body For Money: Sex Workers Shocking Confessions
Monday, 05 November 2018
by Eric Gichuru
People look down upon them with an eerie of disgust. They have branded them demeaning names such as, ‘prostitutes, sex workers, whores, sluts, hookers,…’ Yet surprisingly enough, under the cover of secrecy, men and women alike seek and relish them with praise for their perversion and free spirit. How else can you explain how this
- Published in LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships
Buying A Good Time – Sex Trade Secrets Leaked
Wednesday, 24 October 2018
by Eric Gichuru
Men have often been accused of sleeping with anything that moves. What would make a man with a great family, loving wife, and a wonderful home go out there looking for a quick romp? Is it weaker self-control or stronger sexual impulses that drive men to engage in sex trade? To answer these contentious questions,
- Published in LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships
7 Worrying Signs She’s A Crazy Bitch Who’ll Ruin Your Life
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
by Eric Gichuru
If you have a chat with gentlemen who are looking for a serious relationship, you’ll be shocked about what they will confess. The breed of women they have been meeting lately is absolutely rotten. The word most prefer is a crazy bitch that chews you up spits you out and blames you for being bland
- Published in LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships
Things No One Tells You About Your Wedding Day
Monday, 10 September 2018
by Eric Gichuru
You’ve selected your dress, finalized the programs, planned out the decor, and even settled on the wedding cake flavor. You probably think that you have everything figured out and that the wedding day will go exactly as planned. No matter how many times you’ve been part of the bridal party, or how many weddings you
- Published in LIFESTYLE, LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships