Ever since the women attended the Beijing Conference in 1995 the world has never been the same again. Feminism has taken root across the globe and so is the boy child neglect.
Gone are days when the only women you could find in a bar were prostitutes and barmaids. Now ladies hit the bottle harder than men and even bark louder orders for a quick refill.
In fact, the bar has become their playground. While the boys are trying to hit the club, she’s trying to hit the jackpot.
Read: 7 Worrying Signs She’s A Crazy Bitch Who’ll Ruin Your Life
24 years later after the infamous conference, two-thirds of people with depression are men. You can as well guess which gender constitutes two-thirds of the reported suicide cases. Male!
Here’s The Suicide Letter! from a man who had depression.
More boys are abusing drugs more than ever and dropping out of school earlier. On the other hand, girls are performing better each day in school and more are pursuing higher learning education. Girls also have a greater opportunity of transitioning from school to work environment.
Related: 21 Signs You Are Still A Boy, Not A Man!
Feminism Definition
Feminism refers to the advocacy of women’s rights with the focus being to achieve the equality of the sexes. The UN agency and individual governments have done a lot to empower the girl child over the past two decades. This is a truly noble gesture.
Women have also been portrayed as victims of male patriarchy by the media which to a great extent is true. Now more than ever, women are being given priority in our society.
The goal is to overcome the history of violence, barriers of access to employment and education, and discrimination in health care and political representation.
Also read: Why I Sell My Body For Money: Sex Workers Shocking Confessions
The Boy Child Neglect
With the focus now being on women empowerment, the society has neglected the boy child while at it. We are quick to forget that society is currently in shambles because of one-sided attention.
Twenty-four solid years down the line, we are repeating the same mistakes. Focusing all attention on one gender while stifling the other.
We have been singing and dancing to the tune of women empowerment. Soon than later, we will change the tune to boy child empowerment and the vicious cycle will continue.
The society has assumed that the boy child has a magical way of figuring his way through life. The common belief is that; he’s hard-wired to come out on the top no matter the circumstance. So he grows without any social support.
However, this is far from true. The lion is the king of the jungle, not just by nature, but by the fact that it was nurtured to be exactly that. Ironically, you will find some lions in the circus jumping at the whims of their master, as they entertain the crowds.
So what’s the difference between the wild lion, and the circus lion? How did some lions retrogress from being the king of the jungle to circus nitwits! It is definitely the circumstances they were raised in.
Toxic Feminism Is Setting A Dangerous Precedence In The Society
Over the years, feminism and women empowerment gospel has digressed from its noble cause into a battle of sexes scenario. Women empowerment now means, adopting the men’s worst habits among other things.
Drunkenness, cheating, drug abuse, domestic abuse, child abuse, sexual abuse, unisex talk, crime, emotional abuse, nudity, personal attacks among others have become the epitome toxic feminism. A significant number of men face domestic abuse. See: Sad! Men Abused by Their Cruel Wives Suffer in Silence.
Apparently, misogyny (ingrained contempt or prejudice against women) is evil and unacceptable while misandry (ingrained contempt or prejudice against men) is funny and virtuous.
For instance, if you replace the word ‘man’ with ‘woman’ in most feminist quotes, you will be frowned upon for being sexist and insensitive.
Research indicates that boy child neglect poses a danger to women and society at large. Imagine a world where the majority of men are uneducated, irresponsible, wayward, and lag behind in all levels.
Such men are likely to be violent, abusive, controlling, criminals, addicts because a man’s ego always overcompensates for his insecurities.
Ponder upon this Akan saying, “When men fall, children and women are the ones that suffer the most.”
With small exceptions, I really like what you’ve written.
Thank you; what are those small exceptions?