Does rising up in the wee hours of the morning, to brave the traffic in a car that you are still paying off, to get to that job you badly need, to afford to pay for the car, the bills and the house you barely live in, make life feel meaningless?
I bet it does.
Then, there is someone reading this and he’s like, ‘that thankless bust%$# has a job and a car but he’s still complaining!’
Yes, probably once you get that job and that car, you will still be complaining.
Quarter life crisis is real guys. Take a look at this article to find out what is Quarter life crisis, the cause and how to cope with it: Shocking Reasons Why Quarter Life Crisis is Now a Rite of Passage.
If you are in your 20’s or early 30’s you might be going through a rough patch in life that seems never to end. Watch out for the following signs of quarter life crisis, to avoid taking a wrong turn while you are in the prime of your life.
Signs of Quarter Life Crisis
1. You are 27 or so years old but you are still arguing with your mom again about keeping your bedroom is tidy or getting home early.
2. You feel that you have failed in life when you compare yourself to your friends and your own ideals.
3. Your pesky aunts keep on asking, ‘When are you getting married?’
4. You are fighting with your spouse just like your parents did, yet you had sworn that you’d never but you are.
5. You’ve recently ended a 5 year relationship…dah! Did you have to take that long to figure out it wasn’t going to work?
6. You glare at your pet dog every morning before you leave for work and mutter, “ooh boy! I wish we could switch lives.”
7. You have been on the job hunt for 2 FREAKING YEARS! – I know that feels like a century
8. Your parents keep asking, ‘what have you decided to do with your life?’
9. Your girlfriend introduces you to her parents and then you overhear her mom asking, “What happened to the other guy who had a car?”
10. You’ve received an invite to your college class 10-year reunion; this has shocked you because it feels like you left school last year.
11. You think you are sexually weak. Your ‘boy’z’ claim that they induce multiple ‘toe-curling’ orgasms to their female companions, while sex for you is a 2 minute tops affair. If that’s the case this might be an eye-opener for you: Are Our Men Getting Sexually Weaker? – Erectile Dysfunction
12. Relationships for you have not been a bed of roses: You thought you had found the one, only to find out that she has also ‘been giving it up,’ to the guy next door – a butcher by profession. So murder is out of the question.
Read this: Why We Make Foolish Decisions When In Love
13. Your temporary, part-time job at the café has now lasted close to 4 years.
14. You have Googled ‘Quarter Life Crisis’ and here you are!
15. There’s a stranger in your bed after a night out partying…‘Did we even use protection?’ Had you not promised yourself to stop this?
16. You feel that your youth is slipping through your fingers yet you haven’t accomplished a fraction of your goals.
17. Remind me again, when was the last time you had some? Was it 2 years ago, if your memory serves you right? And this is not by choice. Or safer yet, you have not been in a relationship for the past 4 years.
18. While some of your friends are getting engaged and others globetrotting, you are here doing some quick fix noodles a week before payday.
19. ‘I am not a sex addict, am just exploring’; though your ‘body-count’ (the number of people you have slept with) begs to differ.
20. You think your partner is broken, but you don’t have guts to end the relationship because you think you are messed up too.
21. You’ve got a million great investment ideas, the only reason you’ve not implemented at least one of them is that you don’t have capital – who do you think you are fooling? You should probably read this: How To Change Your Mind To Achieve Time and Financial Freedom
22. You are growing more sarcastic by day. Is it that your sense of humor is improving or are you expressing your frustrations in a sugar-coated manner?
23. You like flirting, sexting, sexing and dating multiple girls – the more the better. It does stroke your ego, right? But the most recent one might have left your ego and wallet bruised!
24. Is it that you love men that drive big machines or men that drive big machines love you? Either way, they often disappear like a fart in the wind after they’ve had enough of the proverbial cookie.
25. Smoking in college used to be fun; but now that the chickens have come to roost, you are thinking quitting. Trust me, this is easier said than done.
26. Your internship pay is only a few pennies, but your rent is like several hundreds of dollars. This is mind-boggling to even the most advanced economists.
27. Your favorite slogan is, “There is no point of being the richest bit*^# in the graveyard” so you just go ahead to buy the expensive shoes…
28. You simply feel that like you are being crushed by that gut-wrenching feeling of fear, anxiety, unemployment, or just crazy amounts of college debt.
29. You are 99.9% sure that a road trip will fix all your woes.
Do you feel judged?
Good, I feel the same way too. On this onslaught, nobody is spared, including me.
As I write this, am surprised to find out that am guilty of a couple of these crimes, oops, I mean signs of quarter-life crisis …but hey, don’t ask me which ones.
Just focus on the log in your eye first, and then learn how to cope.
Remember that these signs are the symptoms of a greater underlying problem. Thus, I am emphasizing one more time that you read Shocking Reasons Why Quarter Life Crisis is Now a Rite of Passage to learn how to cope with this crisis.
Feel free to post in the comments section which signs you plead guilty to. Maybe then, I or another reader may help you the find the fix.
Your privacy is absolutely guaranteed.
Remember sharing is caring. Make sure you share this article with your friends on social media or send them a direct link. You might save a life.
I’m guilty of more than 5 of these….
I never realized that I could even be in a middle age crisis. Oh My Word!
You are not in the middle age; you are in the quarterage crisis. And trust me you are doing so well. A lot of people who do not have the guts to comment here have told me that they have more than half of those signs.
I actual go in and out of a quarter life crisis cause I’m getting too old and my life is getting too serious.
What comes before a quarter life crisis?
I think Teen crisis.
OOOh boy!you must be a go getter.Damn! I had to read twice.Great mind.keep up
Thank you dear, will keep them coming sizzling hot.
You haven’t said which signs you plead guilty to.
Haha you got me at the end… Am so guilty of 10
Thanks, Chabaya, you mean you are guilty of 10 of these signs of just no. 10?
Wololo.. nice stuff dude. Sisemi what am guilty of🙆🏽♂️😂😂😂.. I think am safe
Hey Steve, I doubt that you are safe when you do some soul searching, you might find out that you’ve got more than 5.
Guilty as charged on numbers 5 and 29!
I love your honesty…but trust me, you are doing okay!
i guess this is really a stage in life and everyone has to go through such….nice artical!
Thank you Justus
Lol…… It’s all to familiar esp the nagging part😂😂😂😂….
Am glad that you can relate.
daaamn this is a reality check man!!!! A good read.
Thanks neddy
Reality!!! I like it
Thank you Terry
Good stuff real quater life crisis over there mostly no.21
Thanks for your honesty Maryah.
This is quite interesting. The next article should be on how to overcome quarter life crisis.
There is one, see this link
Quite an interesting read.
Hey Sarah, I know you are being modest, it must have blown your mind, right?
this is some good shit.. awesome man! I am guilty of a couple of them..not saying which ones though.
Hey Michael; Am glad you loved the article. I will keep them coming blazing hot.
Nice content bruh… I like!!
Thank you Simoo
This is so real.
guilty of them all.
All of them? Wow!
That’s a lot.
Nice work!
I am glad you loved it