Our society places certain expectations on men. A man shouldn’t complain, should be decisive, strong, brave, should know how to woo a woman…the list goes on and on. More importantly, one of the greatest expectations placed on a man is that he should take charge in bed.
In fact, the right words to use are that he should be a ‘Ninja’ in bed; with an award-winning performance each time. Such expectations often put so much pressure on men to perform beyond their capacity.
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These expectations make it hard for men to speak out or seek help when they have sexual health problems such as erectile dysfunction. Thus for many men, the idea that someone might know that you need help is worse than not getting any help at all.
Men suffer in silence
As such, men suffer in silence because they are ashamed to talk about their sexual health problems and keep on pretending that everything is fine.

Men suffer in silence with sexual health problems
If you listen to a group of men holding a casual conversation, you could easily mistake them for superheroes. You’ll often hear them narrate their wild sexual escapades, and brag about their sexual prowess in bed.
To add salt to the injury, your male friends will be quick to remind you, if you suck in bed, she will definitely cheat on you.
The other problem is that we have a generation of men that have learned everything they know about sex through watching pornography.
Anyway, where else do you expect a curious teenager to learn about sex when it is not taught in school, in church and it is a taboo to speak about it at home?
Least do they know that porn is just a scripted and unrealistic performance shot for hours, with numerous stops and editing, and then repackaged into a 30 minutes film…I guess this should be a topic for another day!
To cut the long story short, just as a trailer is to a movie, so is porn to real sex.
The scenario
Back to the agenda of the day, picture this scenario:
She’s just called you and told you she’s coming over. You are excited! To add icing to the cake; she’s told you she’s wearing some sexy lingerie.
To get your head spinning, she texts you while she’s on the way that her tiny panties feel a bit uncomfortable so she’s decided to slip them off, to “catch a breeze”. – Girls! Hope you are taking notes! (Pun intended).
By the time she gets home, your ‘Engine is revving,” well greased and ready to go.
There is only one problem; ‘HE’ has the habit of disappointing you when you need him most. Your member tends to finish the business before you even get started (premature ejaculation), or even worse, he never rises up to the occasion (erectile dysfunction) [1].
Mind you, this is not a soft porn script extract, but a scenario that repeatedly occurs to a great number of men across the globe.
Unfortunately, most men suffer in silence because the thought that someone might know you need help is worse than not getting help at all.
Very disappointing right! Yes! Fortunately, here is some information to help you tackle your rather embarrassing problem.
Most of the times, you might find out that this is not a serious problem; you just need to relax especially if the cause is psychological issues! Most of the other causes can be quickly resolved when you consult a doctor.
Disclaimer! Though information this is article is accurate, it should be used for information purposes only. Consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.
What is erectile dysfunction?
Popularly known as impotence, it is a condition where a man cannot get an erection or maintain it. It is a common condition that affects both young and old. However, it is more prevalent in older ages; where almost half of the men between the ages of 40 and 70 experience it to some degree [2].
Causes Erectile Dysfunction
The causes are either physical or psychological. A qualified physician is best suited to establish the root cause of your problem and treat it effectively.
However, here is a quick diagnosis. If you normally get an erection in some situations like when you masturbate or you normally wake up with the ‘morning wood’ (you wake up with an erection), then your problem is likely to be psychological. Thus, your problem might be caused by stress, bad past sexual experiences, anxiety, extreme excitement (especially if it is your first time or times) [3]…I think you now get the point.
The problem is probably physical if you cannot get an erection at all. The possible physical causes include [4]:
- Hormonal imbalance leading to reduced libido
- Narrowing of arteries and any other condition that prevents blood flow to the penile vessels
- Injury to the spine or the pelvic area
- Some prescription drugs can also be the culprit such as antidepressants, blood pressure prescriptions, anticonvulsant and antipsychotic drugs.
- Medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, raised blood pressure, raised cholesterol, and low testosterone.
- Lifestyle factors such as drug abuse and alcohol abuse.
Treatment erectile dysfunction
The best way to treat erectile dysfunction and its related problems whether psychological or physical is to deal with the root problems [3]. In the case of physical causes, it is important you seek help from a doctor so that you get a proper diagnosis and treatment.
Lifestyle changes such as reduction of stress, avoidance of drugs and alcohol abuse, and by improving your general health can also play a key role in alleviating the condition [2]. I would recommend Viagra, but you need to consult your doctor before you start popping these pills.
The Bottomline
There are numerous other male sexual problems related to erectile dysfunction such as premature ejaculation, low sperm count, and impotence that men need to be more aware of.
Now that I have brought you up to this point, it is now your turn to do a little research about it. Make internet your friend, to try to establish the solution for your problem.
For those who don’t know where to start, try to Google:
- How to stop premature ejaculation
- Erectile dysfunction exercises
- Improve male sex health
- How to boost libido
- How to stop masturbation
Yes, I said it; frequent masturbation might be the cause of your premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction problems. Frequent masturbation typically goes hand in hand with porn addiction. So you should probably add it to your search list.
Basically, you have to choose a struggle; you either live in the real life or live in the fantasy porn world. In fact, porn might be the reason you are psychological ‘F’ed up!’ that you can’t get it up when you are with a real woman [5].
To help you quit such unhealthy habits looks at 35 Amazing Tips To Make Your Personal Growth 10 Times Faster
For those who might feel that am a little rough, men need to be roughed up a little. There is no other way to sharpen their claws and minds without applying some friction.
Welcome to the man’s world!
Until another day, adios amigos!
1. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/erection-problems-erectile-dysfunction/
2. https://www.floridahospital.com/blog/men-suffer-silence-erectile-dysfunction-ed
3. https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/urologic-diseases/erectile-dysfunction/symptoms-causes
4. https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/sexual-and-reproductive/erectile-dysfunction-impotence
5. http://www.mdpi.com/2076-328X/6/3/17
What happens to criminals who steal Viagra?
They face stiff penalties
Hey Charles,
I don’t know what happens to such criminals. Probably it depends on the laws of the country you live in. However, if a man is stealing viagra, he really needs it, so if I was the judge, I would let him walk but make sure he pays triple the original price.
Nice read especially for men. I like the sense of humor. Keep it up!
Thanks Emily,
This was written purposely for men though ladies will also find it very interesting. They have been complaining that I have neglected them and focused more on the ladies. Am hoping now I have their attention. Am also glad that you have enjoyed the read as a lady.
Good read. But since you are not an expert in the topic I think quoting studies done on the subject and attaching more links to the same will enhance credibility.
On the signature, I don’t think when I see software engineer it adds much value on how much I can trust the author. The first thing that comes to mind is “Could the author also be using this page to market themselves?”
Thirdly, studies have shown that cliché statements put the reader off. Case in point where you say ‘choose a struggle’.
Finally use of slang – ‘morning wood’. Would everyone understand the meaning of this?
By and large, good content which I believe is key!
Some good points there; I will see what I will do about that!
I looove it. So informative and helpful. I agree with the porn thingy. I hope the message gets home to those in need of it
Am glad you loved the article, am sure that the message will get to those who need it
It’s really informative. A lot of these things weren’t so clear to me before. I think these was my best read so far.
Am glad you the article was of great help to you. Share it with a friend, you may save a life.
If our societies can reduce pressure on our men,I think its the high time this issue becomes a everyday topic.Our men should remain strong always.Thank you Gichuru for bringing this out.Keep up the spirit since changes begin with brilliant mind like yours.It is a nice read.I look forward for more of your articles,
Thanks Emmie for the vote of confidence!
Well its true most people would rather stay with there ailments other than seeking help no one should be embarrassed just talk to the right person the physician where you can fully get the help you need.
Very true, but this is easier said than done for most men.
This piece of advice is quite mind boggling..I believe this is purely a psychological problem and one gets better the more he is used to this acts. Nice piece
Thank you Eric for the remarks.