Enrolled For A Masters, Graduated With A Husband
Their first conversation was Gerhard ‘innocently’ requesting Jackline to share notes for a class or two he had missed. A classic move. Of course, he could have borrowed the notes from anyone else, but she was gorgeous and focused.
The Cages We Built Book Review
I FELT IT!The magic of this poetry book is that it has been written from the heart. It accurately represents the author’s state of mind and emotions, ranging from the highs of love to the deep dark trenches of depression. She gets vulnerable, shares her steamy moments of passion, and also sheds light on the
What Kind of a Parent Are You? - Attachment Theory Reveals
We all think of ourselves as great parents; but does human psychology agree with you on this delicate matter? Attachment theory dictates that our childhood experiences shape the kind of adolescents and eventually the adults we turn out to be. Guess who is responsible for shaping your child’s early childhood experiences; you the parent. Parenting
Gratitude Has a Dark Side Too

Gratitude Has a Dark Side Too

To some he was a voracious terrorist, while to others he was a brave warrior. However, when he saved the city from the foreign invaders, no-one cared less about his past war mongering deeds! Praises from the city residents came in spades. They felt heavily indebted to him because they attributed their liberty 100% to