It is interesting that most people think that sorely having good information will get them successful with internet marketing. Here’s the truth of the matter; an individual with basic, or even sub-par information but has a tendency to act on it immediately, will make significantly more money than an individual with the BEST tools, the BEST information, the BEST coach and the BEST training. This is the reason why am here to teach you How to learn about internet marketing with killer results
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Study To Action Ratio
The study to action ratio refers to the proportion you put into action after you have studied and made your research. Sadly, you will realize that most individuals struggling with How to learn about internet marketing with good results, do not have or do not utilize the study to action ratio appropriately.
It is estimated that the typical internet marketer has a study to action ratio of 16 to 1. This means for every 16 hours they spend on studying internet marketing and other related issues, they only spend 1 hour acting upon this information.
With such a skewed action ratio, it is clear why it’s hard to succeed in your ventures. The most successful internet marketers with a six figure income have a totally different study to action ratio of at the very least 1 to 1.
In your journey to understand how to learn about internet marketing with great results, this should be you your starting point to the right direction as you work your way towards the 1 is to 12 action ratio which will guarantee you enormous success.
How to learn about internet marketing with killer results tip 1: Start At a Ratio of 1 to 1
A basic principal of getting killer results with internet marketing is that you should never study more than you can put into action, else you will have tough time making money online.
For starters, you should evaluate how much normally you do study and then consciously change the study action ration to 1 is to 1.
To appropriately execute this, plan ahead of time the total amount of time at your disposal to study and act. If you have 3 hours for instance, you can spend the first 30 minutes studying and act for another 30 minutes; and keep doing this till the time is over.
Ensure that each time you spend studying is immediately followed up with an equal or greater amount of time putting what you have learnt to action.
If you maintain the reading and action discipline, you will soon get addicted to taking action which it will not only be beneficial to you but also get to be fun.
How to learn about internet marketing with killer results tip 2: Taking It To The Next Level
For starters, any action is good action as long as you are on the right track to getting into the habit of acting at least as much as you study.
Soon it will absolutely easy for you to “take action at will”; however you will also need to take the best action possible to achieve the optimum results with minimum effort and time.
To achieve this, you first need a decision making strategy to help you know which information will produce the best results when acted upon.
From personal experience, there is that one thing that stands out or gets you interested in every guide. This is the thing that you should act on.
There are two reasons for this: first, being excited about something keeps you motivated and the more you are exited or feel good about something, the easier, fun and better you do it.
Secondly, you use your intuition and not your intelligence to make decisions and with time you will turn out to be a productivity robot. This is because you make decisions in a split of a second by just feeling them, rather than thinking about them. Sometimes making decisions by thinking often invites “paralysis by analysis” situation.
Having honed skilled in a particular field, you will soon find yourself generalizing these skills over to other internet marketing fields. Thus, having a well tuned intuition, you will have the ability to make more appropriate decisions, quicker than ever before.
How to learn about internet marketing with killer results tip 3: Learn To Walk Without Crutches
When we attempt to do anything for the first time, there is a high likelihood that we will not
do it very well. Until you learn to perform a task at the subconscious level i.e. doing it without much thought, you will make numerous mistakes or not execute it perfectly.
So here’s what you should do when you are trying to do something for the first time. After you have established what excites you in a study material or a training program, you should review this one thing until you have completely understood it.
Thus when you start taking action, you will have minimal need to continually make references to the training material.
How to learn about internet marketing with killer results tip 4: Act More and Read Less
After you are convinced that you have proper understanding of the information, minimize on the training or studying and start acting immediately.
Try as much as possible to implement on your own without making references the study. The goal is to immediately implement what you have learnt in a way that makes it live or rather has real world application.
This is often good, because it can immediately make you some cash or at least can give you data that will help you make future decisions.
After you are done acting on that piece of work, you should revisit the training manual and review the aspects that got you excited in the first place. This is where you review your work to make sure didn’t skip anything from the training manual, or made a mistake or misinterpreted a step.
This step is vital because, if you have made a mistake or missed something, you can now immediately correct it and will also enable you to better understand the process. This means that the next time you try to perform a similar task; you will do it effortlessly and get excellent results.
This is how to learn about internet marketing with killer results and immediately take action on any good information you come across to your benefit. With practice, you will realize that, you are acting or implementing far more than you are studying. Such practices will definitely make you a large amount of money within a short time period.