5 Sure-Fire Ways To Become Young And Rich
Monday, 04 June 2018
by Eric Gichuru
Who wants to be a millionaire while you are still young and have the energy and time to enjoy your wealth? Who else wants indulge in globe-trotting, attend coveted events, build their dream home, run a successful charity…? Trust me these are the easy questions which everyone has the right answer to – a resounding
Why An Office Wife Is The Greatest Threat To Your Marriage
Saturday, 05 May 2018
by Eric Gichuru
You show up at your man’s workplace during the lunch hour, just to say hi. Or even better so that he can bend you over on his huge mahogany desk for a steamy quickie, while he stuffs his tie into your mouth to keep your uncontrollable screams down. To your disappointment, you don’t find him at his
- Published in LIFE HACKS, LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships
Husband Walks in on Cheating Wife in The Act! (based on an ugly true story!)
Monday, 23 April 2018
by Eric Gichuru
There are bad days and then there are legendary bad days. An agonized and battered husband discovered this when he caught his cheating wife right in the act. Women cheat more than men do; it is just that they are smarter cheaters. This was the hot debate that brought the entire gym full of busybodies
- Published in LIFE HACKS, LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships, WHAT THE FACT!
9 Telltale Signs You Are Dating A Sociopath
Monday, 19 March 2018
by Eric Gichuru
A little madness in a relationship does spice it up, Right? So where do you draw the line? How do you tell whether your partner is just crazy fun, or really bat-shit crazy? Might you be dating a sociopath and you have no idea you are? Here’s a personal confession: She’s Fragile Not like a Flower,
- Published in LIFE HACKS, LIFESTYLE, LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships
She’s Fragile Not like a Flower, But like a bomb! Dating A Psychopath
Monday, 19 March 2018
by Eric Gichuru
I guess I should call this a confession or even better, a lesson learned the hard way for dating a psychopath. It takes a lot of courage for a grown ass man to open up especially about the lowest of his moments. I had courted; for the lack of better words, ‘The Devil Herself’ – a
- Published in LIFE HACKS, LIFESTYLE, LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships
21 Signs You Are Still A Boy, Not A Man!
Monday, 19 February 2018
by Eric Gichuru
Call it the 21 gun salute because in this article shots will be fired. I might as well hurt some feelings and break a few hearts. The ladies reading this will be like ‘AMEN!’ after every shot fired at a weak, wounded man. Related: 29 Disturbing Signs you have Quarter Life Crisis However, I will not
Become a Social god: The Ultimate Alpha Male Guide
Monday, 19 February 2018
by Eric Gichuru
Over the past few decades, women have been asking, ‘where have the real men gone?’ The 21st-century man has dropped the ball. He has grown tame, wimpy, whiney and raped of his masculinity by modern-day comforts, alcohol, drugs, pornography, video games…just to name a few. He has had it too easy that he has forgotten
Who Else Wants Killer Content and More Traffic
Saturday, 27 January 2018
by Eric Gichuru
Are you looking for a reputable writer who can drive the point home, change perceptions, and compel people to act? How about a wordsmith that has mastered the ‘Art of The Ask‘ to help you secure more customers and simply knows how to increase traffic to your website? If your response to any of these
- Published in Writing
Men May Soon Prefer Realistic Sex Dolls Over Real Women
Monday, 15 January 2018
by editorial
Women have had it all when it comes to sex toys; from dildos, vibrators to monster looking machines that supposedly give earth quivering pleasure. Unfortunately, only handful women can say the same about their men. As such, men for the past decade or so have been living in fear that, these realistic sex dolls will
- Published in LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships
29 Disturbing Signs you have Quarter Life Crisis
Monday, 01 January 2018
by Eric Gichuru
Does rising up in the wee hours of the morning, to brave the traffic in a car that you are still paying off, to get to that job you badly need, to afford to pay for the car, the bills and the house you barely live in, make life feel meaningless? I bet it does.