With Eyes Wide Closed Novel – By Erick B. Gichuru


With intrigue, love, lust, fame, greed, and cruelty, ‘With Eyes Wide Closed’ Novel explores two modern relationships of once-loving couples now embroiled in a toxic row.
Author: Erick B. Gichuru
Length: 300 Pages

Genre: Drama| Crime | Romance

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The race to the bottom is on, with their eyes wide closed. It will soon be over, and the grand award ceremony for the biggest losers will kick off.

How do people who were like two peas in a pond are now hell-bent on ruining each other? Contrary to what novels and movies often depict, nobody is pure evil. Our best intentions, love, needs, fears, wants, and circumstances can veer us into unexpected paths. This could be a big blunder we’ve made or several small wrong choices over a while.

The author takes a bruising, no-holds-barred approach in narrating the nitty-gritty of tumultuous relationships – from affectionate pillow talks to traversing through one of the most intimate things lovers do – FIGHTING!
The novel is based on true events that have been dramatized for the kicks and giggles. It might hit too close to home for some and be an eye-opener about our interactions with the people we love.

Read With Eyes Wide Closed Novel Full Synopsis.


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