Blisters can spoil all the fun for a carefully planned day, rendering you in pain for days. There is nothing worse than feeling a tingling pain and irritation as you get into the rhythm and groove of a brisk run on the sole of your foot. They are most dreaded by runners, hikers, athletes and anyone out there doing physically involving activity that require him/her to walk around. However, all hope is not lost, in this article I will not only show you how to treat blisters on feet fast but also how to cope and prevent them from happening in the first place.
What is a Blister?
Before we jump right into the treatment process, it is important to understand what blisters are, and how they are formed so that you can understand how to prevent and treat them. A blister is a raised area on the skin filled with a watery liquid that looks like fleshy bubbles. It starts out as a reddish hot spot due to irritation, followed by a warm, stinging or burning sensation.
Common Causes
According to Dr. Maike Kuhlmann A blister on the heel of the feet is mainly caused by friction which is associated with repetitive movement such as walking, hiking, and running. Anything that exaggerates the repetitive motion in our feet can cause a blister. Research indicates that genetics can also affect how easily blisters form on your skin. The most common culprits behind blisters on the heels of the feet are:
Poor-fitting shoes
Socks rubbing against your skin
Stress due to vigorous physical movement
Foot abnormalities such as – Heel Bunions, spurs etc.
Moisture and Heat – which cause your feet to swell, increase friction, and also make the skin fragile.
Grit, sand and Rocks and other small particles lodged into your shoe.
How it is formed
Continuous rubbing or pressure due to friction between the epidermis (the outer skin layer) and the inner skin layer (dermis) leads to the separation of the two layers. The sac between the two layers gets filled with the tissue fluid causing to the formation of the blister.
A deep blister typically formed as a result of traumatic stress by continued physical movement of the feet despite formation of the blister, may contain blood and tend to be very painful. The outer layer is predominantly dead and it can easily burst.
How To Treat Deep Heel Blister
The proper treatment of a deep heel blister depends on whether the blister is torn open or is still intact. This leads us to the next question; whether or not to pop the blister that is still intact?
According to Terry Zeigler, the answer to this question depends on the size and the probability of getting infected. If you have a large blister filled with fluid, is clear that the blister will eminently burst. Thus, why not pop it in a clean controlled environment than let it burst in your dirty and sweaty socks. However if the blister is small, do not pop it. The dead skin is its best protection and it will likely heal by itself. However, it is important to note that, removing the skin prematurely exposes you to risk of infection and increased pain.
Draining a blister
Step 1: Thoroughly clean the area with antiseptic soap; you can as well use a med kit or alcohol to disinfect the area. Step 2: Sterilize a sharp household object such as a needle or a pin by heating it till it is red hot and then let it cool. Step 3: Apply gentle pressure on sides of the blister so that it can bulge like an inflated balloon. Step 4: With the needle, create a small hole preferably on the side of the bulge and squeeze all the fluid out including the bloody parts. Be careful not to remove the skin because it protects the soft skin underneath it. Step 5: Apply some ointment or antibiotic cream to safeguard from possible infection. Step 6: Check for any signs of infection on daily basis such as red streaks, yellow or white fluid, or red and warm skin.
Treating Open Blisters
This is more of an open wound, thus the major goal is to keep the blister clean and sterilized to prevent infection.
Step 1: Thoroughly clean the area with antiseptic soap Step 2: Now that there is no draining needed to be done, do not tear the top skin; keep it intact so that it can serve as a protective layer for the underlying soft skin. Step 3: Let the region to dry and then apply antibiotic cream to the open wound. Step 4: Cover the wound with a nonadhesive sterile dressing. Step 5: Check on the wound regularly for signs of infection. Step 6: Recheck wound and change dressing daily until skin has healed Step 7: You can carefully trim the dead skin away after the wound has healed.
Treating a Blister that is completely torn
Step1: If the skin of the open blister is completely torn, clean the affected area with antiseptic soap Step 2: Remove the top skin with sterile scissors. Do not try to tear the skin because you might tear into healthy skin causing you more pain and a longer time to heal. Step 3: Apply some antibiotic cream or ointment Step 4: Because the area does not have the dead layer to protect it, use an occlusive bandage to cover the area.
Now that you have understood, what a heel blister is, what causes it, and how to treat it, it is now the right moment to know how to deal with it once and for all. The best way to deal with any kind of a blister is not to get it in the first place. Thus, prevention is the best remedy; the following video tutorial by Rebecca Rushton on how to treat your foot blister like a pro presents both preventive measures and treatment tips.
Rushton advices that prevention is a matter of making conscious decisions before you step out of your house to go for that run, or do any other activity. She recommends that you check what you wear, be it your shoes or your socks. She recommends use comfortable fitting, roomy shoes with rubber soles. She further recommends that you should select a suitable pair of socks that is thick enough to significantly reduce friction between, your shoes and your foot.
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