Sad! Men Abused by Their Cruel Wives Suffer in Silence
Tuesday, 08 January 2019
If men were to share what they go through in relationships as women do, the world would run its tears banks dry. It is not a natural instinct for men to cry for help. Their inflated ego, or the need to be “macho,” does not allow them to consider themselves victims of physical or emotional abuse
- Published in LIFE HACKS, LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships
7 tips On How To Save Your Marriage From Divorce
Thursday, 06 December 2018
Sex now feels like a chore; you’d rather do the dishes instead. Lately, you have an eye for cute girls and/or handsome guys. You are flirting with a number of them. Worse still, you are fighting the tingle of guilt for having cheated with one, two, three…what difference does it make anyway? Read: Husband Walks in
- Published in LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships
Why I Sell My Body For Money: Sex Workers Shocking Confessions
Monday, 05 November 2018
People look down upon them with an eerie of disgust. They have branded them demeaning names such as, ‘prostitutes, sex workers, whores, sluts, hookers,…’ Yet surprisingly enough, under the cover of secrecy, men and women alike seek and relish them with praise for their perversion and free spirit. How else can you explain how this
- Published in LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships
Buying A Good Time – Sex Trade Secrets Leaked
Wednesday, 24 October 2018
Men have often been accused of sleeping with anything that moves. What would make a man with a great family, loving wife, and a wonderful home go out there looking for a quick romp? Is it weaker self-control or stronger sexual impulses that drive men to engage in sex trade? To answer these contentious questions,
- Published in LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships