Are We Babying Our Kids To Death - Teen Suicide
“Clean your up room, how many times do you want me to tell you that?” She drops the TV remote, rolls her eyes as she stomps off muttering something inaudible to do the chore. Yesterday you had another altercation with your teen daughter. This is after you had told her for the umpteenth to take
The suicide letter thelocco magazine

The Suicide Letter!

I am seated alone at the far end of the dingy coffee shop lost in a sea of thoughts. I am actually glaring deeply at the mug in front of me yet I can’t make out the slightest details about it. Some indistinct music is playing in the background. My legs fidget involuntarily, as I
Why I Regret Having Sex Too Soon After Baby
I had quite a smooth pregnancy with minimal complications. It is only during the third trimester I struggled with the lingering feeling of exhaustion. Sex during pregnancy was phenomenal, until the point where it got awkward. I hoped to bounce back to having sex after baby as soon as possible. Too Eager to get Over
How To Exploit The Power of Broke to Succeed in Business
It is amusing how people are not willing to spend 4-5 years building a business, while they spend 40 years miserable and broke in a dead end job. With that said, having a job is a privilege. However, if you are not growing, the least you can do is find another or figure out how