How To Make Money On Social Media
Wednesday, 01 May 2019
It has been almost 3 decades now since the advent of disruptive technology called the Internet. With it has come so many opportunities for the people that embrace it. On the other hand, it has closed doors for those that reject/resist it at an equal measure. Some more disappointing news is that we are preparing
The woman on top: Toxic Feminism and Boy Child Neglect
Saturday, 13 April 2019
Ever since the women attended the Beijing Conference in 1995 the world has never been the same again. Feminism has taken root across the globe and so is the boy child neglect. Gone are days when the only women you could find in a bar were prostitutes and barmaids. Now ladies hit the bottle harder
- Published in LIFE HACKS, LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships
Why I Regret Marrying A Church Guy! (Part 2)
Friday, 29 March 2019
Everything was happening fast. It was just the other day she was tossing in the bed at night wondering why Mr. Right was taking his sweet time to find her. Occasionally, she touched herself to calm her tickled nerves or just to lull herself to sleep. Important Note: This is PART 2 of the article
- Published in LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships
Why I Regret Marrying A Church Guy! (Part 1)
Thursday, 21 March 2019
Disclaimer! This is not an endorsement for divorce or a rally-cry to avoid marrying a believer. You can call it a wakeup call or some dating tips from a woman who married the wrong person. Miriam was late again. ‘Damn, if only I had my own car’ she cursed silently. Her 6-inch heels were literary
- Published in LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships