Marijuana Can Save Your Life, Medicine Now Says
Monday, 13 August 2018
I guess the day couldn’t get better especially for kids who now seem to take a mandatory course called ‘How to smoke weed 101’ in college. I am talking about the ones who take every opportunity they get to smoke a joint to get that quick fix. If you are in this category, let me
10 Cheap But Chic Bathroom Design Ideas To Add The Spa Luxury
Thursday, 05 July 2018
Your bathroom is that room in your home that treads the fine line between a luxurious escape and a practical room. Despite being a small room, it is filled with a flurry of activities and also stores all your household’s toiletries. With this beehive of activity, your bathroom gets to look tired with time. When
How Unhealthy Daddy Issues Ruin Your Sex Life
Monday, 18 June 2018
Ever heard the phrase, ‘Didn’t your daddy give you enough attention when you were you were a kid?’ During this father’s day, I have decided to open a can of worms to address the daddy issues or the father daughter relationships. You will be amazed to discover the impact your childhood experiences have on you
- Published in LIFE HACKS, LIFESTYLE, LISTINGS, Sex & Relationships
Little Mistakes That Will Ensure You Never Join The Millionaires Club
Monday, 11 June 2018
The journey to being a self made millionaire is riddled with thorns, sweat, tears, heartbreaks, and lessons that threaten to lock you out of the Millionaires Club. However, would you believe me if I told you that there is a simple investment plan that can be mastered by even a 10-year-old, which calls only for