It is another year and the best thing you can do is not to settle for the average. For those who want to succeed in life, a great place to start attaining this success is through personal growth. Surprisingly enough, the effects of personal growth transcend all the other aspects of your life, be it career growth, spiritual growth, good relationships with family and friends, social skills, leadership skills and more. With that said here is a list of 35 amazing tips to make your personal growth 10 times faster.
1. Do not settle for the average
It is another year and the best thing you can do for yourself is not to settle for the average. Challenge the status quo.
2. Forget New Year’s Resolutions think personal growth each day
We naively tend to think that the New Year will magically give us the motivation, and strength to change ourselves; however what really makes the difference is consciously progressively implementing positive change in our lives.
3. Do what you love
Follow your own way and avoid following the crowd; you will not only enjoy the process but you will also attain success.
4. Failure also has a greater lesson to teach
Learn from failure stories as well, they have a bigger lesson to teach
5. Make a career plan
Where and who do you want to be in five or 10 years from now. Start being that person NOW!
6. Kill the bad habits
Stop wasting time, money and energy being with people that do not lead you to the right direction; watching porn, or partying too much.
7. Be Ambitious but also plan
Ambition and planning go hand in hand, you need to think big but also plan on the small scale implementing your dreams in small portions.
8. Be creative
Creativity does not always come naturally; it is a conscious effort to be innovative, different and better.
9. Read self-help books
Enables you to be your own therapist and fix your problems more effectively.
10. Create powerful habits.
Positive habits magically multiply personal success.
11. Pursue an interesting hobby
It will not only improve your quality of life by also fast track your career.
12. Cultivate emotional intelligence
Cultivate the ability to recognize and understand your emotions and how they affect you and those around you.
13. Become a natural leader
Stop taking a the back seat in your life, be active, serve, solve problems, and be the person people come to when they have problems because you are reliable and capable.
14. Continually improve your life
You need to adopt an attitude to progressively make positive change in your life and life-long learning.
15. Love yourself
You need to make changes in your life that makes you the person you would want to be. It is a matter of holistic personal growth that that includes, boosting your confidence and self-esteem, putting your health, emotions and family first.
16. Be practical.
It is all about being realistic and the same time being positive and learning from your mistakes.
17 Avoid being materialistic.
This breeds greed, the need to create shortcuts and lack of respect and value for other people; a perfect recipe for failure.
18. Be a good listener
Attracts people to you enabling you to meet new people
19. Give it your Best
Always put in 100% of your effort in everything you do.
20. Stop Trying To impress
Avoid trying to impress, whether opposite or same sex. Confident people have nothing to show off or prove.
21. Improve your communication skills
Improve negotiation and communication skills – seek to understand before being understood.
22. Understand work politics.
Will enable you to learn the do’s and the don’ts; and help you know how climb up the corporate ladder quickly. The idea here is to be smart.
23. Don’t be an open book
Avoid expressing everything, and be a little mysterious. Some wars can be won without even lifting a finger.
24. Teach others
Teaching others is one of the fastest ways to practice and learn something new.
25. Spend time with great and creative people.
True to the saying, ‘birds of a feather flock together’. You become like the people you associate with.
26. Be disciplined.
Entails, being consistent and unwavering in whatever you are doing
27. Become a professional
Be the best in whatever you are doing
28. Attain the necessary skills
Attend workshops, training and also enroll to various classes to get the necessary skills to take you to the next level.
29. Be curious
Curious people tend to be more successful because they show interest ask more questions and get to learn more.
30. Do not procrastinate
Do what need to be done now, and not later.
31. Look good/ Presentable
People do judge a book by its cover
32. Keep fit
Take a good diet, work out regularly; it is not only good for your confidence but also keeps you mentally sharp.
33. Rise up early
You are most productive in the morning when your body and mind are fresh and rested.
34. Do volunteer jobs.
Will help you gain experience and recognition.
35. Help people
It is not only self-fulfilling but also has a way of always coming back to you.