Thursday, 05 July 2018 / Published in Decor, LISTINGS
10 Cheap But Chic Bathroom Design Ideas To Add The Spa Luxury
Your bathroom is that room in your home that treads the fine line between a luxurious escape and a practical room. Despite being a small room, it is filled with a flurry of activities and also stores all your household’s toiletries. With this beehive of activity, your bathroom gets to look tired with time.
When thinking about redesigning your bathroom, most people feel that they have few bathrooms designs options. However, this should not be the case. Fortunately, even the slightest updates can give your bathroom a spectacular fresh new look.
Here are 10 easy bathroom design Ideas to Refresh Your Tired Bathroom, without breaking the bank. Some greater news is that, I will not leave wondering what I am talking about; these ideas include some bathroom designs pictures.
1: Give it a good scrub
This is the design bathroom idea 1 because it is the most cost-effective. With continued use, your bathroom accumulates all types of smudges and dirt because it is a moisture rich environment. Without consistent cleaning, your previously dazzling room slowly turns into a gloomy and unsightly place. To restore it back to its previous glory you need to carry out a deep cleaning that includes:
Descaling the walls and the shower head
Removal of gunk between tiles
Polishing every inch of the room
2: Be creative with your shower curtain
By virtue of its size, the shower curtain is the most noticeable piece in the bathroom. Thus, your first move should be to remove your tired and stained shower curtain because it dampens the look.
Image credit: Urban Outfitters
I personally have a problem with hanging art in the bathroom because it is a very humid room. However, I discovered this bathrooms designs idea. I could turn the shower curtain into a statement piece. As such, get a unique shower curtain; one with vibrant colors stitches and grommets you love
3. Add a little greenery
Auerbach ArchitectsThere is no better way to bring the outdoors into your bathroom than adding some greenery. This should be a houseplant that will thrive in a humid environment. The plant(s) can be suspended on the ceiling or can be strategically placed in a less busy corner.
4. Upgrade your mirror
Image credit: Blesser House
Mirrors help make the tiniest room in your home look more expansive than it really is. If you do not have a mirror, get one; the bigger the better. You have a variety to choose from, including:
Mirrored cabinets
Wall mirrors
Shaving mirrors to give you a close-up.
Do you already have a mirror? If you do, with some DIY bathroom ideas there is more you can do to make it stand out. You can make a new mirror frame by purchasing molding from your local stores, cut it and paint it accordingly and affix it on your mirror.
The modern bathroom mirrors are often not framed. Going for the framed variety gives your bathroom a more sophisticated look.
5. Dazzle With Good Lighting
Hochuli Design & Remodeling Team
Would you love to get a spa feel every time you set foot in your bathroom? Lighting creates mood and ambiance for the room. Most bathrooms have bright overhead lights installed so that they can light every corner of the room.
These are great especially when it comes to applying makeup and shaving. However, you should consider an additional range of lights including spotlights, ceiling lights, down lights, and wall lights to serve different purposes.
Lights placement is also of absolute importance. When doing a DIY bathroom vanity, spotlights should be suitably placed close to the vanity to offer brighter light when using the mirror. On the other hand, dimmed bulbs mounted on the walls create a spa-like ambiance, making the bathroom look suddenly luxurious.
6. Add Some Apa Luxury With a Bathtub
Lighting is not the only the only aspect that adds some spa luxury to your bathroom on the cheap. A tub is extremely necessary to achieve this look. Thus, if you haven’t installed one, you should consider getting one that fits your budget.
Simply updating your tub goes a long way in giving your bathroom an instant lift without having to work on any other element. Replace that small, dingy bathtub with a fuller size free-standing tub.
7. Bathrooms Designs: Trend-Up the fixtures
If upgrading your tub sounds like a huge task, why not then upgrade the fixtures and other hardware. A good place to start would be updating the taps especially if the current ones look quite dull.
New tap ware makes the rest of the fixtures look brand and also helps to ground the style you want to achieve. Tap fittings come in a wide range of styles and finishes. Ditch the outdated silver taps and go the more rare and unique vintage brass, gold, or my new favorite copper taps.
Moreover, other simple bathrooms designs such as a new showerhead or a new faucet in the sink can make a huge difference in the look and efficiency without costing you an arm and a leg.
8. Energise With a Statement Color
Armstrong Keyworth
This is one of the simplest bathroom design ideas that effectively adds character to a room without spending much. The bathroom environment is the perfect place to experiment with colours because you can easily change them if they do not appeal to you.
The best way to bring these colors to life is through the accessories. As such, pick a strong color that you love and let your bathrooms accessories such as towels, mats, and shower curtains among others wear this statement color.
9. Bathroom Design Ideas: Change Your Accessories
The Everygirl
Has your toilet seat seen better days? Is your soap dispenser looking ‘so yesterday’? Changes to your bathroom accessories bring about an easy impact that you will appreciate.
Jewel tones, metals, and wooden pieces are on the trend and can effectively make different areas of the room lively. Changing your towels can also make a huge difference. Whether it’s your soap dispensers, bath mat, or toothbrush holders; use them to emphasize a neutral scheme or add pops of color.
10. Design Bathroom: Mix it up
Bathroom design ideas
This is one of the most budget-friendly bathroom design ideas to Refresh Your Tired Bathroom. The beauty of doing your own bathroom redesign is that elements do not necessarily need to match. You can make your bathroom as electric as possible without sticking to the traditional towel bars and vanities.
So you have my permission to break the rules, and just be creative with what you’ve got in the house. Bring in some of those:
Artworks that seem misplaced in the living room
An old vase to get some green growing
Wire baskets as toilet paper corralling
Wooden stool to place candles, among other things.
The bottom line is that you should be creative with the bits and bobs lying around and repurpose them in your bathroom. However, you avoid making the bathroom look crowded or clattered.
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